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​Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine, one of the wildest parts of Eastern Europe, should be on the list of your next destination. Although snow persists into June in high mountains, it is ideal for summer breaks — for cooler temperature and uncrowded paths, green forests and cool springs, waterfalls and lakes, colorful lush meadows covered with wild flowers and berry shrubs. ...
Докладна анотація
АвторYamalov Oleg
Місце виданняХарків
Всі характеристики
Артикул: FL387638
799 грн.
Відвантаження цього товару1-3 дніДоставкаНова пошта - від 60 грн.
Самовивіз у Києві - безкоштовно
Кур'єр по Києву - 75 грн.
Укрпошта - 55 грн.
Meest - 60 грн.
*Безкоштовно від 750 грн.
ОплатаКартою Visa/Mastercard
Поповнення карти/рахунку IBAN
Безготівковий розрахунок
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Carpathian Mountains in Ukraine, one of the wildest parts of Eastern Europe, should be on the list of your next destination. Although snow persists into June in high mountains, it is ideal for summer breaks — for cooler temperature and uncrowded paths, green forests and cool springs, waterfalls and lakes, colorful lush meadows covered with wild flowers and berry shrubs.

«Trails of the Carpathians. Hiking and trekking in Ukrainian Karpaty: 80 Trails by Oleg Yamalov» — is the most complete guidebook to Carpathian Mountains in the western part of Ukraine.

The book offers description to 80 trails grouped into three regions of Carpathians: Southern (S1-S36), Northern (N1-N20), and Eastern (E1-E24) and majority of selected treks are focused on hiking the mountain summits by marked or alternative routes. You can find information about condition of the roads and places for rest to make planning easier for tourists.

The book includes the description of the routes in Ukrainian Karpaty which Oleg Yamalov hiked personally during 15 years, with the group of his mountain partners or alone; he took GPS coordinates and photos, made notes, then developed and described the trails based on these measurements.

For better visualization, it contains many photos of marked points taken by Oleg or his hiking partners.

АвторYamalov Oleg
Місце виданняХарків
Формат, см16,5х23,5
Палітуркам'яка обкладинка
Вага1.17 кг

Trails of Carpathians. Hiking and trekking in the Ukrainian Karpaty. 80 trails відгуки

Категорії:Міста, країни, континентиІноземцюВИДАННЯ ПРО УКРАЇНУ, КИЇВКарпатиПутівники

Теги:подарунок іноземцю

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