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So many books, articles and guides have been written about Moscow. The great city is known world-wide, thanks to films, TV programmes and photos. Still, Moscow is ready to reveal more secrets to a visitor. The book you are holding in your hands will take you on a tour full of wonderful discoveries. ...
Докладна анотація
СеріяСамые красивые и знаменитые
ВидавництвоАСТ; Астрель; Аванта+
Формат, см25х29,5
Всі характеристики
Немає в наявності
Артикул: 103515
250 грн.
275 грн.
ДоставкаНова пошта - від 50 грн.
Самовивіз у Києві - безкоштовно
Кур'єр по Києву - 75 грн.
Укрпошта - 45 грн.
Meest - 60 грн.
*Безкоштовно від 750 грн.
ОплатаКартою Visa/Mastercard (+єПідтримка)
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Безготівковий розрахунок
єПідтримкаЦей товар можна оплатити картою єПідтримка
  • Огляд
  • Характеристики
  • Відгуки0

So many books, articles and guides have been written about Moscow. The great city is known world-wide, thanks to films, TV programmes and photos. Still, Moscow is ready to reveal more secrets to a visitor. The book you are holding in your hands will take you on a tour full of wonderful discoveries. It contains information about streets, squares, and buildings the Russian capital is famous for, its monuments, theatres, museums, cathedrals and monasteries, and people who inhabit the city.

The authors made an attempt to walk the reader through different periods of Moscow's development, from its early days to the present time. Of course, providing all information about the ever-changing city is impossible, as each written book is just a small step towards greater insight and understanding of the amazing City's versatile nature.

СеріяСамые красивые и знаменитые
ВидавництвоАСТ; Астрель; Аванта+
Формат, см25х29,5
КоментарМова англійська
Вага1.23 кг

The Most Beautiful Places of Moscow відгуки

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