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​A beautifully made scent can encapsulate a particular feeling, transport you to a very specific time in life with clarity, or remind you of a special loved one or friend. And just like wearing your finest outfit or shoes, your signature perfume can make you feel invincible. The question is, how do you find such a creation? In Perfume, Neil Chapman guides readers through a world that can at...
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АвторЧапмен Нейл
ВидавництвоHardie Grant
Формат, см17х24
Всі характеристики
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Артикул: Y936010
688 грн.
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Кур'єр по Києву - 90 грн.
Укрпошта - 55 грн.
Meest - 60 грн.
*Безкоштовно від 750 грн.
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A beautifully made scent can encapsulate a particular feeling, transport you to a very specific time in life with clarity, or remind you of a special loved one or friend. And just like wearing your finest outfit or shoes, your signature perfume can make you feel invincible. The question is, how do you find such a creation? 

In Perfume, Neil Chapman guides readers through a world that can at times seem overwhelming. His informative and witty `scent atlas' features over 700 fragrances, from vintage perfumes through to department store classics, contemporary worldwide hits, conceptual `anti-perfumes' and novelties. Scents are categorised by the note that predominates in the blend, making the process of appreciating perfume more accessible and user friendly. 

An invaluable tool for anyone planning to buy a new scent, Perfume will steer you in the direction of a perfume you not only like, but a gem that you can prize as your own.

АвторЧапмен Нейл
ВидавництвоHardie Grant
Формат, см17х24
Вага0.81 кг

Perfume відгуки

Категорії:Мода. Стиль. КрасаЖінці

Теги:подарунок жінці

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