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​America's first fashion magazine, Harper's Bazaar has showcased the visions of legendary editors, photographers, and stylists and featured the works of noted writers since 1867. From its beginnings as a broadsheet aimed at the rising leisure class, the publication has since transformed into a magazine devoted to examining the lives of women through the lens of fashion. In celebration of the...
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АвторБейли Гленда
Формат, см26,5х31
Всі характеристики
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Артикул: Y966067
2 082 грн.
ДоставкаНова пошта - від 60 грн.
Самовивіз у Києві - безкоштовно
Кур'єр по Києву - 75 грн.
Укрпошта - 55 грн.
Meest - 60 грн.
*Безкоштовно від 750 грн.
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America's first fashion magazine, Harper's Bazaar has showcased the visions of legendary editors, photographers, and stylists and featured the works of noted writers since 1867. From its beginnings as a broadsheet aimed at the rising leisure class, the publication has since transformed into a magazine devoted to examining the lives of women through the lens of fashion. In celebration of the magazine s 150th anniversary in 2017, Harper's Bazaar: 150 Years captures the greats who have shaped the magazine over these decades. 

Harper's Bazaar: 150 Years includes the most iconic pieces of work from the magazine's archive: more than 150 photographs and covers and 50 text excerpts, including articles, poems, and works of fiction. Organised chronologically, the selections showcase the breadth of creativity and artistry that has been published in the pages of the magazine for more than a century and prove that Harper's Bazaar is more than just a fashion magazine.

АвторБейли Гленда
Формат, см26,5х31
Вага2.7 кг

Harpers Bazaar 150 Years. The Greatest Moments відгуки

Категорії:Мода. Стиль. КрасаЖінціЗНАМЕНИТІ ЛЮДИ

Теги:подарунок жінці

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