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​A collection of dark and fetish art of more than 40 contemporary artists from all over the world such as Zdzislaw Beksiński, Nicoletta Ceccoli, Ray Caesar, James Jean, John Santerineross, Popovy Sisters, and Elizabeth Mcgrath. Gothic taste, decadence, doll-like and Lolita-esque style - the world of Aestheticism and degeneration - is supported by a wide range of people regardless of their age...
Докладна анотація
СеріяErotica Contemporary Art
ВидавництвоPIE International
Формат, см18,5х26
Всі характеристики
Немає в наявності
Артикул: Y932974
1 504 грн.
ДоставкаНова пошта - від 50 грн.
Самовивіз у Києві - безкоштовно
Кур'єр по Києву - 75 грн.
Укрпошта - 45 грн.
Meest - 60 грн.
*Безкоштовно від 750 грн.
ОплатаКартою Visa/Mastercard (+єПідтримка)
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єПідтримкаЦей товар можна оплатити картою єПідтримка
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A collection of dark and fetish art of more than 40 contemporary artists from all over the world such as Zdzislaw Beksiński, Nicoletta Ceccoli, Ray Caesar, James Jean, John Santerineross, Popovy Sisters, and Elizabeth Mcgrath. 

Gothic taste, decadence, doll-like and Lolita-esque style - the world of Aestheticism and degeneration - is supported by a wide range of people regardless of their age and gender. 

Wanting to expose this fantastical art not only to fans who already have a deep appreciation for that world, but also to a broader general audience, PIE International has published Japanese Erotica in Contemporary Art in September, 2014 and Erotica in Japanese Contemporary Art Ⅱ in March of 2016. 

As these books were well recieved in the market, we now have this third volume Dark & Fetish Art. With these two volumes, we focused on Japanese artists, but in this third book featured are the artists from around the world. 

This book is divided into categories such as Fetish Art, Dark Art, Art Photography, and 3-Dimensional Art.

СеріяErotica Contemporary Art
ВидавництвоPIE International
Формат, см18,5х26
Палітуркам'яка обкладинка
Вага0.93 кг

Dark and Fetish Art відгуки

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