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Champagne: The Essential Guide To The Wines, Producers And Terriors Of The Iconic Region

Based on six years of on-the-ground research and unprecedented access to actual Champagne growers, Champagne is the first book to actually describe producers and wines based on their terroir - enlightening readers by showing them exactly where, how, and by whom these great wines are made. Champagne is one of the most iconic, sought-after wines in the world, beloved by serious wine collectors as...
Докладна анотація
АвторЛим Питер
ВидавництвоOctopus Publishing Group
Формат, см21х26
Всі характеристики
Немає в наявності
Артикул: Y1002977
3 020 грн.
ДоставкаНова пошта - від 60 грн.
Самовивіз у Києві - безкоштовно
Кур'єр по Києву - 75 грн.
Укрпошта - 55 грн.
Meest - 60 грн.
*Безкоштовно від 750 грн.
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Безготівковий розрахунок
  • Огляд
  • Характеристики
  • Відгуки0

Based on six years of on-the-ground research and unprecedented access to actual Champagne growers, Champagne is the first book to actually describe producers and wines based on their terroir - enlightening readers by showing them exactly where, how, and by whom these great wines are made. 

Champagne is one of the most iconic, sought-after wines in the world, beloved by serious wine collectors as well as everyday wine drinkers. However, it is also one of the most misunderstood wines out there - obscured by a multimillion-pound marketing industry that makes it difficult for consumers to honestly judge value and understand what they're drinking. 

Included in the stunning box set are the Louis Larmat vinicultural maps - the only detailed wine maps of the region, which were commissioned by the French government in the mid-1940s and have never appeared in print in English.

  • Winner of the Andre Simon Drinks Book of the Year Award. 
  • Winner of the IACP award in Wine, Beer & Spirits 

A stunning box set, complete with seven vintage maps in a pull-out drawer.

АвторЛим Питер
ВидавництвоOctopus Publishing Group
Формат, см21х26
Палітуркатверда; футляр
ISBN 2978-1-78472-447-4
Вага2.28 кг

Champagne: The Essential Guide To The Wines, Producers And Terriors Of The Iconic Region відгуки

Категорії:ВиноЦінителю спиртного

Теги:любителю спиртного

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