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This definitive publication on Alexander McQueen (1969 - 2010) invites you into the creative mind of one of Britain's most brilliant, daring and provocative designers. Accompanying the V&A's landmark exhibition Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty, this comprehensive catalogue features 28 ground-breaking essays from expert fashion commentators and cultural scholars which examine the richness and...
Докладна анотація
АвторWilcox Claire
ВидавництвоV&A Publishing
Формат, см24х31
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Артикул: Y516308
1 934 грн.
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Кур'єр по Києву - 75 грн.
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This definitive publication on Alexander McQueen (1969 - 2010) invites you into the creative mind of one of Britain's most brilliant, daring and provocative designers. Accompanying the V&A's landmark exhibition Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty, this comprehensive catalogue features 28 ground-breaking essays from expert fashion commentators and cultural scholars which examine the richness and complexity of McQueen's visionary fashion. The publication includes over 440 striking images, from intimate backstage portraits and editorials by leading fashion photographers to previously unpublished sketches and research boards from the McQueen archive.

At the centre of the book is a Cabinet of Curiosities gatefold with a specially commissioned photo shoot that showcases McQueen's breath-taking attention to detail. The book closes with an encyclopaedic survey of all of McQueen's London collections, from his 1992 MA graduate collection to his final collection, posthumously presented in March 2010.

Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty ran from the 14th March to 2nd August 2015. In partnership with Swarovski. Supported by American Express. With thanks to MAC Cosmetics.

'Fashion is a big bubble, and sometimes I feel like popping it.' - Alexander McQueen, 2009.

АвторWilcox Claire
ВидавництвоV&A Publishing
Формат, см24х31
Вага2.35 кг

Alexander McQueen відгуки

Категорії:Мода. Стиль. КрасаЖінці

Теги:подарунок жінці

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