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​The true stories of the past year must be preserved and told to the world with a Ukrainian voice, recorded in memorable works for future generations. – General Valeriy Zaluzhny, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. ...
Полное описание
ИздательствоВидавець Померанцев Святослав
Формат, см15х21,5
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Артикул: MC024413
364 грн.
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The true stories of the past year must be preserved and told to the world with a Ukrainian voice, recorded in memorable works for future generations. – General Valeriy Zaluzhny, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

Within this anthology, you’ll find 35 texts from some of Ukraine’s most renowned writers and intellectuals. Each of these texts delves into the current war’s harsh and unsettling realities because we believe in the unbridled power of truth. We hold dear the memories and sentiments of those who bore witness to the first year of this war and strive to do all we can to ensure this war is never relegated to obscurity. We also hope that future generations who come across this book will understand that while war is one of the most devastating things to happen to humanity, there are times when we must fight and defend our home. – Evgenia Lopata and Andriy Lyubka, curators of the anthology.

ИздательствоВидавець Померанцев Святослав
Формат, см15х21,5
В цветеч/б иллюстрации
Вес0.5 кг

State of War: Anthology отзывы

Категории:Подарочные художественныеИностранцуИЗДАНИЯ ОБ УКРАИНЕ, КИЕВЕУкраинская литератураРоссийско-украинская война

Теги:подарок иностранцу

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