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Sustainability is not a passing fashion, and people are constantly searching for more information, products and innovations in this area. Designers, in turn, are responding with elegant, efficient, low-impact products that look towards a sustainable future. This book brings together over 180 such innovative and award-winning projects from over 20 countries, launched by leading design offices...
Полное описание
АвторDalcacio Reis, Julius Wiedemann
ИздательствоTaschen GmbH
Формат, см20х26
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Артикул: R520935
1 250 грн.
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Самовывоз в Киеве - бесплатно
Курьер по Киеву - 90 грн.
Укрпочта - 55 грн.
Meest - 60 грн.
*Бесплатно от 750 грн.
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Sustainability is not a passing fashion, and people are constantly searching for more information, products and innovations in this area. Designers, in turn, are responding with elegant, efficient, low-impact products that look towards a sustainable future. This book brings together over 180 such innovative and award-winning projects from over 20 countries, launched by leading design offices and companies worldwide, including IDEO, IBM, and New Deal Design.

Featuring reusable products from water bottles and diapers to solar- and wind-powered goods; clocks that run by reacting with soil; air and water purifiers; coffins and urns for sustainable funerals; paper made from elephant and sheep dung—as well as eco-friendly chocolates, bikinis, guitars, energy efficient appliances and much more—this is a state-of-the-art update on the sustainable revolution in product design.

АвторDalcacio Reis, Julius Wiedemann
ИздательствоTaschen GmbH
Формат, см20х26
Переплетмягкая обложка
В цветеда
Комментариина английском, немецком, французском языках
Выполнение заказа2 дня
Вес1.34 кг

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