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- Modification of jet fuels composition with renewable bio-additives
Modification of jet fuels composition with renewable bio-additives
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Today aviation is a service not just for the wealthy. It is accessible to the vast majority of the global population and serves a varied and valuable contribution to the global societal fabric from connecting friends and families, populating ideas and cultural sharing as well as enabling vital business through physical interaction and efficient cargo movement. Modern transport sector is developing constantly. The world
volume of aircraft transportation increases on 4–5 % annually. Transport predominantly relies on a single fossil resource, petroleum that supplies 95 % of the total energy used by world transport. Along with the situation in exhausting of crudeoil deposits, the state of environment causes a special concern. According to the report by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, transport is responsible for 23 % of
world energy-related greenhouse gases emissions with about 17 % coming from road vehicles and 2 % from aviation. Over the past decade, transport‘s and aviation‘s in particular, greenhouse gases emissions have increased at a faster rate than any other energy using sector. And according to some forecasts air traffic will be responsible for about 20 % of harmful emissions by 2020.
Автор | Яковлева Анна, Вовк Оксана, Бойченко Сергій |
Издательство | НАУ-друк |
Год | 2022 |
Страниц | 207 |
Формат, см | 20,5х29 |
Переплет | мягкая обложка |
Бумага | офсетная |
В цвете | ч/б иллюстрации |
Язык | английский |
ISBN | 978-617-673-849-7 |
Вес | 0.7 кг |