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- Путеводители
- A Motor-Car Trip through Ukraine
A Motor-Car Trip through Ukraine
Самовывоз в Киеве - бесплатно
Курьер по Киеву - 90 грн.
Укрпочта - 55 грн.
Meest - 60 грн.
*Бесплатно от 750 грн.ОплатаКартой Visa/Mastercard
Пополнение карты/счета IBAN
Наложенный платеж
Безналичный расчет
- Обзор
- Характеристики
- Отзывы0
A Motor-Car Trip through Ukraine is a
unique, comprehensive touring guide to the country. Arranged into twenty-eight
regions, the guide offers seventy car-touring itinerates accompanied by a series
of illustrated maps that clearly mark routes referred to in the text. Each
itinerary consists of clear route directions and thorough route descriptions
that highlight the attractions to be seen along the way - such as cities/towns,
churches, museums, parks and castles. Historical/background information is
provided for regions, sites and attractions, and practical information such as
address details, contact numbers and opening hours are given when necessary.
Information boxes also highlight accommodation, restaurants, public transport
and top-attractions for each itinerary.
The breadth and depth of coverage in this guide is truly impressive, boasting 24
plans of regional centers, 43 map-schemes of highways based on two to three day
touring itineraries, 70 illustrated route maps through cities and regions, as
well as an incredible 1000 full-colour photographs. Listed attractions include
over 1000 architectural treasures, 78 castles and forts, 52 palaces, over 400
churches and museums, 300 hotels and 355 places to eat and drink.
Издательство | Балтія-Друк |
Год | 2010 |
Страниц | 576 |
Формат, см | 12х21,5 |
Переплет | гибкий переплет |
Бумага | глянцевая |
В цвете | да |
Комментарии | ляссе |
Комментарии 2 | язык английский |
Вес | 1.1 кг |
A Motor-Car Trip through Ukraine отзывы
Категории:ПутеводителиИЗДАНИЯ ОБ УКРАИНЕ, КИЕВЕ